Divesting Harvard’s Endowment

Fotos del evento: Caso en directo con Harvard Business School

Prof. Luis Viceira




21 marzo 2023 - 7PM


Queridos socios,


Hace unos días los Alumni del Harvard Club of Spain tuvimos la oportunidad de regresar a las aulas de Harvard University de modo virtual gracias a la tecnología HBS Live Online Classroom @Harvard Business School Executive Education y @Harvard Business School Online. De la mano del Prof. @Luis M. Viceira (George E. Bates Professor, Senior Associate Dean HBS Online and Executive Education) los miembros del Harvard Club of Spain (HCS) tuvimos un fantástico debate sobre cómo debería nuestra universidad considerar factores ESG en las inversiones de su capital financiero, usando el caso del Profesor Viceira, Divesting Harvard’s Endowment. #harvardalumni #casemethod



A few days ago Harvard Club of Spain Alumni was back to Harvard University virtually through the HBS technology HBS Live Online Classroom @Harvard Business School Executive Education and @Harvard Business School Online. Thanks to Prof. @Luis M. Viceira (George E. Bates Professor, Senior Associate Dean HBS Online and Executive Education) the members of Harvard Club of Spain (HCS) had a fascinating debate on how Harvard University should take into consideration ESG factors in its endowment investments using Profesor Viceira’s Divesting Harvard’s Endowment case. #harvardalumni #casemethod


Un abrazo


Beatriz Casado
